
[人物战术连技] T5 Steve Fox      

我发现d/f+2,311, f+2,1~b~1~b 3+4~2 68

和d/f+2,212, f+2,1~b~1~b 3+4~2 67 都很好连

d/f+2,311, f+2,1~b~1~b 3+4~2 68 只要d/f2311 连续发不间断 就可以 后面f21 然后一直按住后就可以 1 3+4,2

d/f+2,212, f+2,1~b~1~b 3+4~2 67 212 要晚一些发 保证3下都打中 f21后一样 一直按后 就是f21B1 3+4,2 注意B1后要延迟一下在输入3+4,2

有时候b1打不上是因为角度问题 不是慢了 tk5有时候会往左右偏移点 这样就连不上


史蒂夫有你想象中的任何攻击手段. 让我们从d+1开始说.它有着神经质的桢数,几乎可以轻而易举地挫败对方的任何攻击,并且在被防住后十分安全.甚至在其

后可设计圈套,并且他TC(可以克制上段技). 它可以重获蹲伏状态,所以你可以想象那种下蹲的趋势.但是现在史蒂夫有了经常的投技战略,在d+1之后你可以抓住对方或



完整的普通横移那么大)正式的横移进入摇摆很疯狂. d/f+2,2看起来可以在普通情况下使人浮空.但我真正发现这点是在我离开之时,所以并没有在测试中彻底地尝试. 下段裁-ws+1,2看起来可能依旧可行. b+1(ch)-DCK2〔延长急速低头F+(3_4_3+4)〕仍旧可能,好象与事实不符. d/b+3,2很不错.但是2看起来好象很能够在攻击中闪避(但当然你要知道怎样去用). f+2,1,2很优越. f+2,1可以进入颤动状态,并且看起来是他迄今为止最快的转换.1是中段. 你可以象所有3当中那样取消第二发攻击直接进入2.你仍旧可以用他的旧有技f+2,1+2.但我认为你现在可以在1+2时闪避. 看起来史蒂夫现在好象没了一些f+2后的快速移动,同样还有他的迅速远距离移动步伐. 史蒂夫现在有了一个f,f,f+1跑动下段拳,我认为这可以操作低段浮空技. 他有了一个f,f,f+2,但我看起来和他的u/f+2一样. u/f+2在我看来是相当不错的空中技,它很快,中段而且至少跟进d/b+2. 如果第二发是反击时,3,1,1不再能将人击倒,但是有优势. (不满) f+1仍旧存在. 同样我认为现在他的1被防御后有优势(我现在仍需要更多的证实). u/f+1被防御后同样有优势,是一个短距离空中技.虽然有一点慢但是和u/f+3(跺脚)混合使用很不错. d/f+1,2,1不能够侧旋转. f,f+1不存在. d/f+1+2不在象以前那样攻击距离远和迅速了(我认为这是鼓励多使用f,f,n,2,也就是原来的f,f+2). f,f+2可击倒对手,是个很不错的短距离牵制技.但是是上段. b+2是他过去的f+2,其后没有固有连接.但是击中时有优势,还有不错的速度. ws+1(ch)不可再连上1,2. 史蒂夫基本上无敌. 我认为还有其他一些东西...但是现在史蒂夫有一个很不错的空中技,事实上每一个TC(新系统,下段或特殊中段克制上段)

都是你所需要的. 我觉得史蒂夫没有弱点.


d/f2311,f21b,1,3+4,2    68
ff2(ch),f21,f21b,1,3+4,2    84
f42,d212,f21b,3+4,2  71(好象)

f42,d212,f21b,3+4,2  71
d212 要慢  后面的要稍快
1> 和T4里LEE的d,d/b+4浮空逆向是一个作用
   f+3,2  浮起  紧跟f+2,1,2..转到对手身后~~~我K!!!
b+3 ,f+1+2(前PC) 推空,对手没上墙的时候
121 / d/f+1,2 / d/f+1+2 / d/f+2 / b+1 / 投技

STEVE还有个连续横移动(不是ssl,3  ssr,4), 动作是往一边抖个不停(好像FENG也有类似地)有哪位高手知道是怎么出地吗


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-13 17:37:44编辑过]



u/f+2 is a mid hit, not high. kinda funky mid hit, seeing as how it looks pretty ****ing high, but just

more juice.


d/f+2,2- when you do get this to do to the short launch, a d/f+1+2 is a guaranteed juggle. i'd imagine

121,b into some kind of flk move will work to, but i haven't tried it all out yet. i definately got the 1

to hit a lot today which makes me think you can do more, but if you want guaranteed dmg, do d/f+1+2.

df2,2- 當你出這招﹐就是個短的浮起技﹐df1+2是確定的combo. 我是想121b進些flicker構﹐出些flicker構中的招式﹐

但是我還沒全部試出來過。 今天﹐我肯定flicker 1常常命中對手﹐因此這使我覺得你還可以搞更多東西/下數﹐但如果

你是要確定下血的話﹐用df1+2。 d/f+2- i was able to hit this into a juggle after a blocked kazuya d/f+4,4...if we can figure out the

negative frames after a blocked kaz d/f+4,4, we'll probably know just how fast this is.

df2- 我是可以用這來確反被防守住的一八的df44,如果我們能找出在防守一八的df44後﹐對手有多少幀的劣勢﹐我們大概


about what to do after a low parry- today, i was doing d/f+2 as opposed to d/f+1+2 after a low parry, and

sometimes i got the full launch, and sometimes i got no launch (which would require a d/f+2,2 into d/f+1+

2, or whatever juggle, from the short launch). i'm thinking d/f+2 will launch based on what kind of move

you parried (whether a kick or punch). this would be weird, because it would entail knowing what kind of

move you parried, and d/f+2_2,2 accordingly. otherwise, just stick with the d/f+1+2 ^_^. 關於下裁(成功後)的更進(追打/確反)- 今天﹐除了df1+2外﹐有時df2可以完全浮起對手。還有時沒有浮起(有的必須df22

然後接df1+2, 所以有短浮起技開始隨便什麼combo。)我想決定df2能否浮起對手的是裁的招式(是腳還是拳)。 這蠻奇怪

的﹐因為知道限定哪種招式被下裁﹐然後就照著用df22. 不然的話﹐就用df1+2. ^_^ b+2- i b+2 countered laws ws2 today, which means my theory of only countering jabs is now void. i guess it

depends on where the b+2 is within it's startup frames for it to counter high_mid punches...it's better

than i thought ^_^. on ch i'm pretty sure a run-up d/b+3 is guaranteed, but i'm not sure. b2- 今天我用b2反擊law的ws2了﹐這個意味著現在我其中一個關於反擊點拳失效了。我猜這是依b2在其開始時的幾幀是會

反(還是反擊?!)上中拳的﹐這比我想像中的還好^_^. 在反擊命中時﹐我非常確定一個上前追擊的db3是確定﹐但我還是不

確定。(前後矛盾啊!? O_O?!) 2+4 throw- OMG the okizeme possibilities are ****ing great with this throw. d/b+3 will work if they sit

there, d/f+1+2_d/f+1,2 will hit them if they roll back or get up (or even get up with an attack). d+2,1,2

will only knock them up if they roll back, if they attack you with a get up 3_4 you'll get hit out of it.

this is definately his best okizeme set up throw, period.

2+4投技- 噢﹐我的天啊﹐這投的起身攻防的選擇太tmdjb地強了. 對手不動﹐db3就有效用了。 df1+2或是df1,2可以打擊

往後滾和直接起身的對手(或甚[打掉]起身攻擊)。df212只有在對手往後滾時才會把對手敲起來(浮~). 但如果對手用倒地

後起身3或是4, d212就會被打掉。 這個投技絕對是他最好的起身攻防的多擇(陷阱).

d+1- after this hit, i did a b,b from the opponent d+1, which i retaliated with a d/f+1+2. damn i love

this move more and more everyday. d1- 在這個命中對手後﹐後﹐後可以躲過對手的d1, 然後我可以用df1+2打回去。

<感嘆~>每過一天﹐我越來越愛這招了。 alb d+2_dck 2- both of these aren't really safe on block. i was getting hit after block today by some

basic shit. kind of weird since dck 2 was pretty safe in t4. 應該是(3+4, 旋轉步伐~)中的d2 或是 (3或是4, 躲避[蹲]步伐)中2﹐ 這兩個被防時不怎麼安全唷。 我曾被一些基本的

東西打到﹐因為在t4時(3或是4, 躲避[蹲]步伐)中是蠻安全的﹐是有點奇怪。 d/b+3,2- as roulette said, you can wait out the 2 to see if the 3 connects, but i don't really have that

hard of a time connecting this against 10 frame jab characters. steve is so ****ing powerful in t5 that

most people (that's i've played against anyway), will wait for steve to attack, then retaliate. midlow

mixups are where it's ****ing at. db3,2- 就像roulette(人名)說的﹐你可以等3命中時才出2, 但我不覺得對在10幀拳人物連上有那麼難。 Steve在t5真

tmdjb地強大啊~大部份的人(和我對打的)﹐會等steve攻擊後再反擊。 中下擇在這兒就真tmdjb地(好用)。 well guys, i'm REALLY tempted to write a steve faq. after only 2 days of really playing him, i'm finding a

LOT of shit, and i feel like i could easily write a faq with the info i've found. if someone wants to go

duelies on the shit, let me know. however, from what i understand, namco is coming out with a new version

of t5, and i have a good feeling steve will be effected by this, so i'm going to wait (for) it out and see

what happens.


多好招(賤招?!), 還有我覺得我應該可以簡單地用我已發現的資料寫個常見問題集。 如果有人想和我關於這些東西指教

指教(較真~), 要讓我知道唷~...但從我所了解的來說﹐namco要出個新版的t5, 我有好的預感那steve也會因此而影響到



1.) d/f+2: 直接浮空不需要CH,安全速度快.

2.) 121: 可以被SS,不过依然好用.

3.) d/f+1,2:

4.) 1,1,2: 速度快,第一发中后面全中, 被防破绽似乎比T4更小.

5.) ff+2: 上段,CH后暴血.

6.) d+1: great, quick low move. TC's high attacks, leaves good options on hit. the opponent can trade hits

with a ws1,2 by doing a d+1...if this happens, just low parry, or cc ffn+2 them.

7.) alb+2_d+2: can be ss'ed and can be knocked out of during alb start-up, but covers distance and alb2

gives same ch properties as ff+2. albd+2 can be seen coming, but still a good low move. haven't messed

around with the alb,u_d, 1_d+1, as people usually try to snuff alb when they see it. so i either get hit,

or get ch, depending on what move they used.

8.) 4,2: not really safe on block, but the built in right ss is GREAT when used pre-ssr as it makes a lot

of moves whiff with an immediate retaliation. i'm about 50% sure alb2 guaranteed after a 4,2 ch, but needs

more testing.

9.) d+2,1: i never pull out the f+2 follow-up, as it can be ducked. but this low,mid is very good in

okizeme, as it picks up rollers, and it's very good just standing.

10.) f,fF+2: can be ss'ed quite easily, but still leaves in GREAT frame advantage which leads to great

mix-ups. can't be used up close, need at least a little bit of range for it to come out since it's

technically a running move.

VERY HONORABLE MENTION: iflk 1 btw- did anyone verify that flk 1,2 is guaranteed on ch/reg hit?

i think steve CAN be used as a rush-down character, but it depends who he's playing against. 8 framers can

eat him alive if you're not careful, and a lot of his mvoes can be tc'ed. but if you're using the right

mix of moves, throws, and ss'ing_bd'ing, steve is easily one of the best rush-downer's in the game.

i dont use u/f+3,2 anymore, because ppl duck the ,2 on reaction now. if i want to low crush something, i

go for u/f+2_u/f+1.


