
MAME v0.130u4 新模拟可运行 铁拳锦标赛 铁拳TT      

MAME v0.130u4 新模拟可运行 铁拳锦标赛 铁拳TT


MAME v0.130u4上铁拳TT已经可以运行PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器2Z2y0u6C({#D%P.X2j)b
模拟器: http://bbs.emu-zone.org/newbbs/thread-603514-1-1.htmlPS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器"a.t/d3A0{8b
EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2009 [ 我们10岁了 ]:b4O,[2y5w
一个压缩包里含3个克隆ROM.下载后解压缩到你ROM目录9k4q6v&U0y*m f/r5j

PS3,Wii,Xbox360,PS2,Xbox,GC,PSP,NDS.GBA,EMU,ROM,MAME,Arcade,Game,汉化游戏,汉化模拟器"|1O0C1K+@"h&L9z x
EZ 游戏社区 Ver.2009 [ 我们10岁了 ] ?9P+M,O'A6t;Q


原帖由 <南昌>專署 于 2009-4-18 14:44 发表





Play as Tiger
To play as Tiger, choose Eddy Gordo at the character selection screen and press Start.
Submitted by Gogeta

Begin match with Partner
To begin a match or round with the second character you've picked, hold down the Tag button and then press Start before the match begins.
Submitted by Bobsmack and Ervin Cruz

Different Costumes
To be original costumes from Tekken 3 or Tekken 2 of the characters, press RIGHT PUNCH or RIGHT KICK. For some characters, you can be other costumes by pressing START or TAG. Tekken Tag Tournament costumes are by presing LEFT PUNCH and LEFT KICK.
Submitted by Andy Yi

Tag Grab
Press RP+TAG at the same time to do a tag grab.
Submitted by MuShRH007

Play as Devil
To use Devil Jin, you must have Heihachi as Jin's partner. When using him in the match, press Back+right and left punch, rp, rp, then left kick. He should be surrounded with purple lightning for a long period of time. Moves: Corspe Trust: R+L Punch New Combo: LP,RP,RP,LK,RP,RK,LK Spinning Devil Kicks: F,NEUTRAL,D,D/F HOLD,+RK,RK,RK *NOTE:IF JIN ATTACKS, BLOCKS, OR GETS HIT, HE WILL GO BACK TO ORDINARY JIN!

Submitted by Nightmare

Play As Gold Tetsujin
To play as gold Tetsujin select Tetsujin as you normally would and win 10 matches in a row against another player and on win 11 tetsujin will be gold rather than silver.
Submitted by Andrew Gutierrez

Play as Mokujin/Tetsujin
To select Mokujin/Tetsujin, go to the bottom row of the selection screen (the one that has Wang, P. Jack, Devil/Angel, the Ogres, and Roger/Alex). Put the selection box over Alex/Roger, the move right, and in an invisible box is Mokujin/Tetsujin. Like in Tekken 3, the computer selects which character Mokujin will imitates. But now if you play as Mokujin, tag out, wait about 15 seconds, tag in and the character that Mokujin imitates will change to another one. Mokujin has 3 costumes, a wood male Moku, a wood female Moku and a metal Moku (Its name is Tetsujin).
Submitted by lackey and Josue Carrero

Really Cool Tag
For those fans of Devil/Angel here is a neat trick. Choose Devil and Kazuya as one team. When you start the match you will only see one character, but when you tag, whoever you choose to start first will be covered in electricity and turns into the other character.
Submitted by Grim Walker

Play as Angel
To play as Angel, press Start when selecting Devil. Angel is special in because she will get Netsu powerups, Devil won't.
Submitted by Strider Yoshi


intel 的e5200 cpu 超一下 速度完美

建议把声音关闭了玩 速度快

