



LFS d/f+3 on duckers no longer grants d/f+2, it pushes them back farther.

Hwoarang can also do his RFF 2,2,1 punches from RFS. Also they added a new move... you can do RFS 2,4 and you will be in RFS now.

d/f+2 hits pops up on normal hit, but doesn't go under jabs.  (OH,NO!I hate this!!!!!!)


Raven seems toned down as well. The breakdance kick honestly does only about as much as two jabs. Its still hard to see and its fast but the damage is weak. Not sure about the damage on the followups though.

So far Bryan and Law seem to be pretty strong.

From Bryans new ?b,f+2 (not sure notation, same as the ender of 3,3,2 string) launcher anyhow, you can get the f+1+2 elbow, 3,3,4 after the launcher.
Bryan seems to get a VERY easy mach breaker after blocking Pauls deathfist. Also gets one after Craigs d/b+1+2.

All of the other characters seemed pretty balanced. Some things still do good damage but not as bad as before. Hwo HH is still in but at least appears to do less damage (still a fair amount though).

Kaz ewgf, ewgf, 1, f,n,d,d/f+4,1 seems to be a pretty staple juggle of his. Good damage.

With Marduk I could do d/b+1+2, U/F+4, d/f+3,1 throw on Jack, but couldnt seem to get it to work on normals. Admittedly, I had few chances and one was at a funky angle. Before I complained about Marduks d+1+2 not hitting, but that seemed mostly cleared up.

A lot of people are still getting used to stuff and whatnot, but I can probably post more later. I think they'll have the game for at least a few more days.

Takes these next few comments with a fist full of salt as they are just for fun.

Raven SEEMS toned down (only two raven players though)
Bryan and Law seem some to be real good.
I had trouble winning with steve, more so than before. Ah, also with steve, this may be old news but 4,2 knocks away now (the animation is different by a little bit too). I dont recall ever getting a stun with it. Still useful, but...
Jin is useable, but far from overpowered.


HWOA df2 不是上半身无敌了, 不能用这个拼小拳了,看来namco逼人用新系统下段

Hwoa 那些浮空还有,不过伤害减少了

RAVEN 减弱了点,那个下段腿 伤害变少

law bryan 这两个人现在看上去比较强



Hwoarang can still do d/f+2, 2,4,2, f+3, u/f+3,4,3 but the damage has been toned down by 1/4 about.

d/f+2, 2,4,2, f+3, u/f+3,4,3 现在减1/4血

Raven: qcf+3+4 to b+3 still in, but the damage is not so bad. u/f+4,4 is still delayable. Damage so so. DUK2000> what move was cd+1 in the Korean test? Everytime I did cd+1 a mid elbow strike came out. ws+1 is the little launching thing I saw in the vids. No combo is possible from the elbow. Did I do something wrong? Also, about Bryan's step, I only had one chance to test it and didn't get it to work, that doesnt mean it isnt there though. I was unable to check thoroughly. Yoshimitsu I tried the notations given ealier in this thread, and they are Yoshi's old moves. However, I did see a Kunimitsu looking teleport being done by other players. Yoshi flys into the air and disappears leaving a cloud of dust only to re-appear and come down with a somesault type kick. Much like the one kuni had. It seems the low spins kicks maybe guaranteed after. Didnt see any move like Kuni's ff n 2. Jin 2,4 seems to knock down on normal hit once again. new move - he does a flurry of left and right mid punches ending with a punch similar to NJS 2 which ends in an odd stun. (this may be old news.) Steve f,f+2 in juggles knocks them far away. In early tests it didn't knock away and you could continue with the juggle. Marduck This is probably known as well, but his b+3~4 get up (when KND face up) is now like Paul, Steve and Yoshi's and grants a free jab on block. The second punch of f+2,1 will cause a stun on ch d,d/f+4 will also cause the 'oh my leg hurts' half bent over to the side stun. Not sure of which properties, sometimes the move will knockdown, sometimes a stun. Big trouble if blocked. Kaz f,f+2 tgf still in and does a chunk (not outrageous tho). Damage of stuff like 112 122 124 seems pretty low IMO of course

听他们说JIN还是很强很强, yoshi 多了一些州光地招数,看来T5肯定没这位美女(?)忍者了



BRYAN挑衅取消SS,T4 就可以了, T4刚出来地时候就看到蛇用过了, 没什么用,比其他人地连续SS差远了,T5sidestep启动速度变慢, 而且还有side walk, 用挑衅取消SS比见得比side walk好到哪去, 什么比miharu还BT云云,莫名其妙, 这也不算BUG,好容易他能用这个显显摆, 删掉干嘛....

d/f+2 hits pops up on normal hit, but doesn't go under jabs. 其实就是上半身无敌, 比如TT里面HWOA就可以,12之后df2,别人要敢点12肯定被CH, T4就是df1被人防住了,df2能CH12 , 现在没有了....不知道其他人是不是一样了......

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-20 15:27:41编辑过]



*New Info* again, just a disclaimer, if some of this is known already, my apologies. Yoshimitsu The shoulder you see in the Tekken Official movie clip is done by: f+3+4. It has some really neat properties. You see the 'oh I just hit a wall' reaction yoshi makes when he lands the move? Well, if the move is performed not in a juggle (i.e. just a regular hit) the opponent who was hit has the SAME reaction. He stands there still for a bit and falls to the ground. After that Yoshi can go into the indian stance and regain life or indian stance into the disappear flying somersault sword slash seems guaranteed on the fallen foe. Also, on block this move appears totally safe. Yoshi also has another wacky move that is hard to describe. In tag if you tagged out, but the you went the wrong way and slid a bit before turning around before tagging out to the proper side? Well, he has this. He runs up to the opponent and slides (standing) and turns around to go the other way. Yoshi has crazy stuff this game. Steve JannaK rejoice! f,f+1 is not gone. It is there, just the notation has been changed t qcf+1 I am kicking myself badly now, because I didnt check if you could go into flicker. Steve also has these moves that I didnt know about, but havent seen yet. On grounded opponent d+1+2. from b+3_4, 1+2 (this is called position change - not sure what it does). Steve has a jumping punch launcher. Not sure of the notation, but he jumps, does a d/f+2 looking move in the air and it will juggle you. At least 2,1~b,1f+1 is guaranteed. Marduk his T4 d/b,d/b+1+2 throw from T4 has been changed to the same movement as the Giant Swing with 1. Jin 1+2 is the notation for the punch flurry I talked about earlier- about 4, maybe hits. Staple juggle is *launcher, b,f+2,1 1,3~3 d+4. This guarantees a d+4 and while not so fun to do seems like good damage. f,n,d,d/f+4, d/b+2,2,3 combos. **EDIT** 2,4 does knockdown on normal hit and run up d+4 is guaranteed. Bryan Got hit with this today. While I was ground I rolled back and: d+3,2 1, d+3,2 *Wall f,f+2. That hurt. Bryans u/f+4 sucks in just about anything, its a strong move. I am not sure if you can quick spring up after a mach breaker anymore. If this truly is the case, it is no good because b,b+4 is guaranteed. I saw a move where Bryan did b+3 and then lunged forward with a downward elbow ish thingie. This could be the b+3, 1+2 move. Feng Not much on him, but his shoulder ram is ridiculous. Its so fast and seems barely punishable. Paul As you probably know, Paul can fake his FC, d/f+2 move. He leans in like he is going to do the low launching punch and pulls back. This is actually more useful than the speed of the move would suggest (its slow). The fake is decent and I saw ppl eating ws+4 after this. I dont expect it to be too great, but its one of those 'once in 3 rounds' things. After u/f+3,4 d+1 is guaranteed and maybe f+1+2. Raven His hayashida step is very good. Seems faster and seems to cover more ground than Pauls (forward moving version). 1+2 is a great punisher. It does nice damage and seems pretty fast. Jack5 Much to my surprise after successfully landing b+1+2 (that is the high both hand gun shots no?)... anyhow, after this lands, f+1+2, 1+2 combos. That probably means f+1+2, d/f+2 does too. More stuff if I think of it. DUK> I'm not sure who INA is. Early one there were a lot of top law players, but they seemed to have come less and less. Law is strong though, really strong, I would also put him near the top from what I have seen. Zekusu and one of his friends were using Law. I don't think he got patched much, if at all. He has an all around good variety of moves, definitely a strong character.

Last edited by Jin's Evil on Oct 24th, 2004 at 13:25



Jin 主要的浮空2择是,

浮空后: b,f+2,1 1,3~3 d+4.

奈落后, d/b+2,2,3

LAW现在看上去似乎是top 角色,Zekusu 用了用LAW,zekusu这个人好象也是日本顶尖高手,T4他好象是用JIN

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-2 19:52:38编辑过]


