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标题: [全报道]芝加哥测试反馈(已翻译)-最后更新于2004.9.20. [打印本页]

作者: camus    时间: 2004-9-19 22:06     标题: [全报道]芝加哥测试反馈(已翻译)-最后更新于2004.9.20.

更新记录: 9.20.所有资料翻译完毕,全部加进文章,继续调整段落顺序,并修订了多处错误 9.19.对原文进行了编辑,整理了前后顺序 感谢yanshen提供英文资料 这次的芝加哥测试反馈极之详细,非常值得一看,特别对于小雨的fans。 ******************* (以下均为芝加哥玩家个人感受) 系统相关: 这个版本让我一点也不高兴,看起来就像是T4,后退,受身,所有的一切,所以如果你喜欢T4你会喜欢这个版本。我在EVO上玩的那个版本则更像TT,所以很自然地我喜欢EVO那个版本。所以我们走着瞧。 是的,我听到那个日本人也说这个测试版是“T4进化版”。而且听说这个版本在韩国测试的时候,T4的玩家把TT玩家打的很惨,所以TT玩家受不了了又回去玩TT。哈哈哈,我会说如果你喜欢T4那你有奔头了,前提是这个版本会被发布的话。 现在SS似乎比以前难一点, 尤其在你防御的时候, 有时有些人在用Raven一个不可防御的传送的时候, 我应该能SS以取消防御状态的但是我的角色不能动。 不过还没有那么糟,虽然一会儿以后我又可以SS, 但是SS不像T4那么平滑, 这看起来像一件好事.T4的SS过于强势。 游戏采用三局两胜制,而且进行的很快。今天一天大概有15个Perfect 连赢记录被锁定在10,游戏也会自动停止你的连赢记录. 今天至少有5个10连胜。 我能想起来的是:3个是Ling,2个是Paul,还有两个是Julia和Asuka 我想每个人都同意现在的伤害太高了。两招或者两个空连你就挂了。很多局都是15秒结束的。或者更短。 每张卡5美元,而且只能玩500次,(camus:我最讨厌的事情发生了)用完后,你不得不把你的数据传送到一张新卡上去。你可以创建、编辑,然后从对战选择画面里买东西,不过你只有30秒.当你对战的时候它能显示你的排名、昵称(camus:Super!Cool!) 插卡系统已经到位,像我早先提过的那样5美元一张. 芝加哥这次测试的机型不能显示自己的状态,不过你可以看到你的名字和排名。 排名按照以下顺序:Beginner, 9th Kyu - 1st Kyu, 1st Dan. 我用40胜拿到了1st Dan,这是我现在见过的最高的排名了. 我们有两个解锁的物品可以给Ling用,(棒球手套和粉色的眼镜), Julia有一把银色的枪,一个女牛仔帽 Byran有一个狗牌(???),一条像蛇一样的手帕(???) Hwoarang有一条看起来像ghey(camus:怀疑是笔误,应该gay,,,)一样的粉色手帕和一个挂在脖子周围的蓝色纱巾 取得第一个物品需要至少2000点,第二个需要3000点。 不过,新增的物品(比如像Ling的中国战锤(?!?!),我不知道应该如何形容这个东西)需要10万点或更多。 和人对战赢一场拿1000点,输一场拿250点。 所以一会儿我们就可以拿头两个物品了。 **************** 一些连招的下血情况 Bryan… uf+4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4 = 45% Julia… uf+4,3, ff+1, ff+1, ff+1, ff+1, 4, wall hit = 60% Hwoarang…cd+4, f+3+4, f+3, uf+3, 4, 3 = 60%+ Hwoarang… CH ss+4, 3, db+4, 4 (可能d+3, 4, 3 = 35%+ 总之,指令投和空连的伤害似乎应该降低.除了伤害其他对我来说感觉都不错.像其他人提过的那样, Bryan的 f,f+1+2的投技以后必中的那个d/f+3加起来近50%的血

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-20 1:35:02编辑过]

作者: camus    时间: 2004-9-20 00:32

**************** Paul(保罗): 他看起来一点也不弱。崩拳反击击中几乎费一半的血。两个崩拳你基本上就死了. 而且,我从来没见过d+1+2(铁山靠)打空。这比起T4的铁山靠给了Paul一个很大的优势。很多T4不能打断的招现在都可以打断了。 拿Ling来说,在T4里我可以点掉铁山靠,T5里,每一次我应该可以点掉的时候我都被击中了. 即使可以确反,这招也太强了(camus:哈哈哈哈哈。我喜欢!!) 他的back sway可以取消掉(camus:应该说的是d/f+1~qcb 这个新步伐). SS+3可以对地 (可能你们已经知道了). d/f+2非CH仍可浮空. 迄今为止Paul已经有一个连赢10局和一个连赢6局的记录.从头50局对战来看,Paul一点都不弱. **************** Hwo(花郎): FoxStepCeo和Tomek发现…RFF+3 会使倒地的对手浮空 同样, db+4~f能进RFS. JF腿(f,d/f+4)被防不再侧向. RFF df+4~f RFS变慢了. RFF 4~f看起来像T4版的(慢). db+4被防有趔趄 db+4,4 不再像早先提到的那样避上段. LFS b+3_RFS b+4都是中段,不过被防至少 -10F或者更多 **************** Christie(克丽思蒂娜): Slips说… df+3+4打蹲已经不能浮空了. 新招F+3+4现在被防处于被动(有6F劣势),被防也不会使对手进入下蹲状态,但是EVO那个版本还是可以的 3~3也不能对地了。md,这个女人整个就废了! 我们还能再从她身上榨点什么油水么,Namco? 然后Slips非常气愤地骂了很多脏话! **************** Jin...(风间仁) CD+1(左回突)被防不安全 会被8F角色反击,10F的角色可能也可以。 不是100%会被反击,但至少不是100%安全(camus:废话!我很想抽说这话的人) 新的LS不再能够使对手浮空了,就像韩国录像上那样。而且,第二击是上段。如果第一下被防,对手可以蹲第二下,然后用一个蹲点就可以打断。不过,如果第一下中了,那么第二下就必中了。但是第三下仍然能被防 通过延迟第三下,你可以把新的LS用在空连里面(camus:看来至少非CH的LS已经沦为和T4 law的b+2,3,4一样的地步了). 但是, 似乎你可以用前两下做空连然后后面再追加其他招。 1,2,3, d+4似乎不是总是必中.你可以视情况受身躲掉,不过我们还不确定.它的伤害仍然和T4差不多,或者很接近(在ws+2或者cd+1以后). b+1后的构似乎很好用.一个玩家已经做到取消以后再SS,而且看起来能躲过多招。当然,仍然需要更多的测试 **************** Law(洛): db+4 = 这招在CH的时候会自动接一个u/f+4。我发誓我只按了一次d/b+4 背向按2,2 = 很漂亮的肘击 f,f+2,1 = 加强的右拳, 然后是左拳(都是上段,也很好看) 他还有一个下段的关节技。 跪下在踝关节的位置打一个左拳。 有点像Paul的岩石割(敌倒地时,d+2) 还不是很确定

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-20 1:53:37编辑过]

作者: camus    时间: 2004-9-20 00:33

Ling(凌小雨): b+1现在变的很慢 SS+3有很大的几率击中对手而且之后有很多不错的连招. df+1仍然像T4一样好用,所以他们只留下这招没改了. ub+3+4仍然没有距离. SS+3 发完后是站着的, 所以现在浮空很简单 (不像原来那么难). 她现在会被Julia的FC df+3, 4打中. 那个4不会击空了. Ling的ff+1+2,1+2没有了!!! 可能最终版会有,但是我们在芝加哥测试的这个版本没有。 你在韩国录像里面应该已经看过Ff+1这个新的招式.但是它不是ff+1+2,1+2. 我们再也不能用ff+1+2,1+2了,我们已经尝试过很多不同的指令但都不行 一个新招:ff+1,你可能已经知道了, 动作很像ff+1+2,1+2。 还有一招ff+1,3。你可以在掌击以后再加一招踢腿的.它可以使倒地对手浮空,这点很像ff+3. 这个踢是上段的, 整个ff+1,3是一中全中的. 然而被防的时候,3能被蹲掉。而且这招那个3不可以延迟。(camus:lol,像T5 Paul的龙炮一样). 单独的ff+1是中段技而且很安全,不过被防大概 -5F (camus:这边有单独的一句话,似乎和上下段都接不上,不知所云) 3 hit以后,就把对手打飞了,失去了如何地面追击的机会. 我们试了很多空连,有一套能超过45%的。 AOP d+1+2, b+3, 2, 2, ff+2,1. 你可以用ff+1,3替换ff+2,1作为空连收尾.我正在试验,可以用,不过似乎有一些限制. 当你用db+1或者其他类似的招造成撞墙的时候,我尝试SS以接空连,当在右边的时候似乎是可行的. 但是在收尾的时候,很难找到一个避免第二次突然撞墙的角度。 我们注意到的另外一个是RDS 4现在可以使对手防御背向(camus:原词backturn,不是sideturn。kao,是不是搞错了),不过之后你不能接如何招.你以前可以接一个ff+3,不过现在没有如何招是必中的. 但是我要重申我尝试了很多次,似乎不是RDS 4以后不能接招。只是有些东西限制了我,使得我不能出ff+3 同样,防住Paul的d+1+2(铁山靠)以后,你仍然可以用f+3反击,可以接ff+3,不过这样会把Paul打很远而且什么也接不上. 当我认为Ling在T5被严重削弱的时候,我已经有了3个10连胜和其他很多很高的连赢记录. T5赢10局封顶(camus:联系本文开头,应该就是指屏幕下方的那个数字), 所以屏幕最多显示到你连赢了10局(camus:tmd小日本阿Q阿?锁定这个有什么用?).还有,我的Ling用的招全是牵制的. ****************

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-20 1:55:20编辑过]

作者: camus    时间: 2004-9-20 00:54

**************** Julia(茱丽雅): 已经没有2+3, 1了,(camus:有这招??) XCTU的Julia用df+2,1这招,然后ff,4,一个浮空至少能接两个肘击. 至于是否100%可行仍然在测试中.我们知道在离墙近的时候是可以的. **************** Asuka(风间飞鸟): XCTU… Asuka的ff+2反击击中不像Jun那样能把对手打翻 **************** Lee(李超狼) 浮空以后已经不能再接两个u/f+4了. **************** King(豹王) King's d/b+3反击击中的时候和Marduk's FC d/f+4反击击中一样.似乎你可以接一个地面投或者起身二择. **************** Tim说Bryan Fury(布莱恩)真的非常酷!

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-20 1:32:59编辑过]

作者: yanshen    时间: 2004-9-21 00:49

First off... let me say that I apologize to all Ling players. Neoshinji found XMTS today. You have to hold 1, the do ff+2, 1+2. It kinda sucks because you can't just whip it out whenever you want. It's not possible (that we know of) to do it any other way. In juggles it's not too bad since you go right from RDS 2,1, holding the 1, right into XMTS. Still, not having it whenever you want (without buffering 1), makes it somewhat toned down. When I mentioned this to WCMaxi he said that it might just be a glitch. On a lighter note, Ling has another 50% juggle. ss+3, ff+3, 2,1 (hold), XMTS. It's nice that Ling has a 50% damage juggle like everyone else, but you can only get it off ss+3 (or aop d+1+2 as I mentioned yesterday). SS+3 is slow, can be interupted with ease, and WILL be low parried/blocked on reaction within a month of the game releasing. Meanwhile, everyone else gets 50% damage juggles off easy to hit launchers. df+2~1 seems a lot safer in T5 than it has been in any other Tekken. It knocks far enough away that you can't be punished with jabs, but against Paul, he was able to connect with 4. In T4 that was 12 frames, so hopefully a deathfist (13 frames) isn't guaranteed, but we still need to test it more. It definitely felt a lot safer just throwing it out though. Moving on... we found another new move for Ling. Shouji found it actually, then Neoshinji refined the movement. It's uf+3+4, which does a jumping 3 hit aerial kick combo. The first two hits are high and the last is mid, but they come out too fast to worry about the two highs being ducked. If you hit, it knocks down and Ling jumps back similar to ff+4~4. If it's blocked, it appears to be safe, leaves you out of range for jabs, and in RDS. It looks to have a decent use for just a mid mixup that avoids all lows and maybe some mids, but it won't be an abusable attack or anything. Neoshinji was testing out 4~3, d+1+2 and said it didn't seem any different than it was in Tekken 4. I was able to put people on lockdown with my standard issue Anti-Flash game from T4, so I was happy. But b+3 still has NO use other than the aop d+1+2 juggle I mentioned yesterday, ub+3+4 has very minimal use, and we were really trying to find something... ss+3 is just too slow. It was getting interupted regularly, it was getting blocked after people saw it enough... it just isn't going to be very good it seems. Players today of note... Panther and Hetfield, Mirai (STL), Mick... Antonio, Shadow Hado and the WI crew... JannaKaz and Bugger Off from MN, and JK found some mean new Steve stuff (he's broke, lol)... Brahma was here and finding good shizl with Jack-5... Hatman is here, but I guess he arrived too late to play today, so expect further Jun/Lei info tomorrow or soon. Character usage on the machine (official stats) showed Ling in the number one usage spot. Bob was number 3, and we think Julia was 2, but we don't remember. Nina was at the bottom with 0 plays, sorry. This is mainly because myself, Shouji, Neoshinji, Kabhler (sp?), and a few other random players were using Ling almost exclusively. FoxstepCEO, Tomek (Headchaser) and Shadow Hado were using Bob almost exclusively. We'll try to get as much info as we can, but you have to remember that it's pay to play, most of us are going all out to really test the characters (not just trying out moves), and if there's no one there playing Nina, or Lee, or whoever else is in demand, it's very difficult to test things with them since we don't know how to play as them. General thoughts on T5... It feels different from Evo. At Evo I couldn't use my poking strings with Ling to put someone on lockdown. Here I can do that with relative ease. However, the movement feels very fluid. I don't feel confined to range 0 like I do playing T4. As someone else mentioned, it feels like a slightly toned down movement system of T3, with T4 characters. A few more custome items... Craig has a boomerang on his back, Lei has a gold fan on his back, Law has nunchaku (sp?) around his neck... that's probably about all of the items. You can buy a squirrel for Julia, a Chinese Hammer for Ling, a bowl haircut for Law, a new hairstyle for Ling, and a few others. Custom color mode doesn't seem to be active though. I've played almost 100 games and still can't access any of it. We may or may not play tomorrow. Nearly 20 hours of T5 in two days is more than enough for most of the crew up here. We'll probably stop by the mall, but I wouldn't expect a huge update from me tomorrow. I will compile something for Mon/Tues, and we MAY... MAY have a pleasant surprise pending approval from the people in charge.

After a long and enjoyable day playing Tekken 5, I have come to the following conclusion: Marduk is a beast. First, I’m going to clear up any confusion about his Tudo Tackle. I got a few PMs asking about it, so I’ll just get right to it. From the Tackle, Craig has the following options: 1 (broken with 2) 1+3 (broken with 2) 2 (broken with 1) 2+4 (broken with 1) 2~1 (Broken with 2) 1~2 (Broken with 1) 1+2 (Broken by pressing nothing) Note: if a player gets tackled who doesn’t know how to break it tries to press 1+2 to break this, the tackled character will in fact break it, only because the game won’t accept the 1+2 input as either a 1 or a 2 input. 1 and 1+3 have the exact same properties but just give different finishing animations, the same goes for 2 and 2+4. The tackled opponent no longer presses 1+3/2+4 to throw Craig off or 1/2 to block. If Craig does 2 OR 2+4 and the opponent presses 1, Craig is thrown off. No more Re-Reversals (at least not in this version). While I think that they could re-reversals back in, I was able to connect with a Tackle punch around 75-80% of the time, so I won’t be crying if they don’t. Craig gets to do any ONE of his 7 options (although it’s really only 5 options since as explained, 1/1+3 and 2/2+4 have the same properties) and then a finisher comes out. In my opinion, and I know this is shared by at least a few players, this is a welcome change. It keeps the action going and still gives Craig plenty of damage. The Tackle itself seems like it was broken a bit more than normal, so they may have increased the break window on it by a frame or two, I know XCTU was surprised at how frequently he was able to break it, but for the most part it’s the same and then of course unbreakable version is still there. Craig’s Air-Throw has been toned down too much. I still used it because it just looks so damn cool, but off a d+1+2 or other launcher (not including d/b+1+2), there are other juggles he has that do roughly the same damage and offer better wake ups, without using the air throw. Off d/b+1+2 however, u/f+4, 1 ,2+4 still works for some big damage, although it can be difficult to time the 4 properly. One of the most powerful tools at his disposal is his new d/b+3+4 Vale Tudo Stance Backdash. Aside from having a super cool auto-taunt on it, he gets a massive backdash that easily takes him out of harms way. If he avoids a move with it, he can almost always get a free tackle, otherwise it puts him at the perfect range for a FC,d/f+4 or if they try to quickly run in, a VTS+2. The vts+1, 1, d+2,4 juggle no longer works off the f,f+1+2 throw. The most damaging follow-up I’ve seen so far is either his new F+3+4 or f+2,1 (it may have been f,f+1,2). Even though he no longer gets a guaranteed ground throw after it, his new FC,d/f+4 is amazing (although its not any safer on block than the T4 version). The only time it doesn’t knock down is if they are at the absolute end of its range, so you’ll rarely see it not cause a knock down. Another FC,d/f+4 is guaranteed afterwards, and as far as I know, his new (and very useful) f+4 stomp can also be done after it. His new stomp is actually quite similar to Jack2/Jack5’s f,f+3 stomp. It compliments his oki-game which is already quite powerful. Both Craig’s VTS/WR+3 and +4 have been removed. His WR/VTS+3 is now a weird looking kick that juggles (although it juggles them with their face towards Craig, so no air-throw). The VTS/WR+4 is a knee that I have yet to experiment with. I personally liked the T4 versions, but testing still needs to be done to determine which is better. His f,f+3 is no longer the flipping body-slam type move. Instead it’s a slow mid hitting knee that juggles on counter hit and has big knockback on block (its completely safe). So far, I’ve only see his flipping body slam thing done from while running, but it may have a new notation like f,f+3+4 or something, I didn’t really have time to look for it. Veteran Craig players will know that his d/b+1+2 in Tekken 4, especially if done out of a sidestep/sidewalk, could be highly evasive and hit pretty often. While you can still do it directly out of a sidestep, since sidestepping evasiveness is pretty much not really there anymore, he usually gets interrupted. However, I did find that doing it out of a sidewalk to the right gave it similar evasiveness to that of the T4 version, if spaced correctly. I didn’t really experiment with his new punch moves that much, there was one quick hitting mid-jab move that I did twice and couldn’t figure out how I did, so more info on this stuff later. His 1+2, no longer has the same block stun, it now knocks them back on block. Other than that though, it can be used in pretty much exactly the same way as his T4 version. People have been saying that his d+1+2 whiffs when it should hit (similar to T4 Paul’s d+1+2), and I found this to be partially true. Whenever Craig does a d+1+2 and it should actually hit (as in not be blocked), it will function properly; however, if your opponent is blocking, sometimes the move will whiff entirely when it should have at least connected with the blocking opponent (not that its safe on block anyways). His F+3+4 shoulder tackle from T4 has a new animation. I actually liked this move in T4, because if timed right, you could often connect with it (despite the obvious startup). His new version I think will probably end up being better though, as it does good damage and has a less obvious startup. He kind of just stands there for a second before thrusting his chest at the opponent. Safe on block. I’m not sure as to whether or not a ground throw is guaranteed after a CH b+2. His d/f+1+2 looks like it hits mid, although I never tested it. When the match opens, Craig’s mouth is shut; however, a few seconds before the announcer says “fight,” Craig bears his teeth. Badass. His new-taunt is awesome looking and like all cancelable taunts in T5, can be backdashed canceled to create quicker backdashing. Seems like all of his throws have the same animations as those in T4. If Craig is laying face down, head towards the opponent, he does have a punch move, although I only did it once on accident. It seems to come out pretty quick, I’ll try to get it some more when I play again. d/b+1+2 seems to knockback a bit further on block, but it I’m sure some characters can still get free hits. Didn't really play much Jack-5, but Brahma was there with notes so I'm sure he'll be posting a nice update for the Jack-5 players. Alright that’s all I can think of for now, if anybody has any questions; feel free to post them here or PM me.

作者: yanshen    时间: 2004-9-21 00:55

哈, 还有………………

Play ends early today because the mall closed at 6p. This might be the last night for a while I believe the out of town people will be in Chi, but again it was great seeing them. I know STL left here about 4p today. There was actually quite a bit of Raven play today. However I still don`t know much about him or his moves, so I can`t comment. I saw him being played mostly by FetZ and Shadow Hado, and FetZ was trying to see if he had a really solid juggle. And it wasn`t all coming together. I suppose you can bug him for comments. Bob = 50%+ damage on all juggles. Even df+2. Julia was a BEAST. I am once more scared of that wannabe Native American bitch. The notation I`m not sure of, but she has this swift and [seemingly] safe low kick that comes out of nowhere. And just her normal f,f+1 parade was really dishing out damage today. Back to on the Ling corner, things are looking up. Yes there has been some more light shining in her once dark corner. Dogg and I were testing it, and SS+3 can be canceled into RDS. Hurrah! Notation is SS+3~b+3+4. No test/definite yet on how long you can delay the cancel from SS+3. I was always doing it instantly. Only juggle I was able to get with uf+3+4 was ub+3+4 (Yes, I amazingly got it to hit), 1,2, uf+3+4. It didn`t do more than maybe 20%. Something else to look into was that Dogg thought that he saw Ling SSL into RDS. I happened to not be looking at the screen totally when that occured, so I`ll play around with seeing if that`s a possibility. Oh yeah, Nina was played today. A couple of times. Umm .. If some of this is already posted or obvious (as in it was in T4 too), then excuse me. But here`s what I saw before she got blasted by Bob: 1+4 doesn`t force crouching. She has a kick that after execution, she can roll REALLY FAR to the left. I`d speculate a 50-degree angle. Blonde Bomb (f+1+2) still did a lot of damage. Her jumping overhead chop thing (qcf+1?) had a bit of recovery. That`s all. Didn`t see multiparts, juggles, throws, or anything else. If I get to the mall one day this week when it opens and no one`s on the machine, I`ll try her out some and see what I can do. But afternoon/days like this where it`s 45 minutes in between turns, people have mainly been using characters who they know or more effective with to stay on the machine. @ Sirius — You asked some questions yesterday, so here`s the best I can give answers for: 1) It really hasn`t been used much. I think I`ve seen it once in these 3 days, and the only follow-up we did was df+1. So that`ll be something I`ll try tihs week. I`m hoping ub+3+4 will catch. (*Still trying to find a use for that move.*) 2) Again, backflip hasn`t been used much either. When it was, she seemed "invincible". Like Vega/Balrog. If she could backflip through Deathfist .. 3) Guaranteed on CH. 4) Dunno. 5) It`s best not to add that many RDS 2s like in T3. In fact, I would only do one (if that) before doing 2,1,XMTS. Dogg was doing two, but the last hit of XMTS was missing. I do SS+3, f,f+3, 2,1, XMTS for 50%. Or RDS 4, df+1, (2,) 2,1, XMTS. @ kazyu — No videotaping is allowed in Namco arcades. That`s all. I want WS+4, 4~3 back now

作者: xyh    时间: 2004-9-22 20:42

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