
[转帖] CAPCOM野心之作 Beat Down的IGN评分      

[转帖] CAPCOM野心之作 Beat Down的IGN评分

CAPCOM野心之作    Beat Down的IGN评分
游戏名:Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance
发行: Capcom
制作: Cavia
类型: Action
发售日: 2005年8月23日  
6.0 Presentation
Menus are functional and the instruction booklet explains all you need to know, which is why it's so thin.  
4.0 Graphics
Backgrounds resemble cardboard; there is little to no level architecture; some cool outfits, but are generally very poor.
3.0 Sound
The music and voice acting are bad to the point of being hilarious.
4.5 Gameplay
While the move list and dress up options are good ideas, they turn out to be useless in the face of such a repetitive mess.
2.5 Lasting Appeal
This really isn't applicable even with five selectable characters; it's not worth picking this game up in the first place.
(out of 10 / not an average)

