
最新更新(from ss's message)      

最新更新(from ss's message)

On Thursday, September 23, 2004, we visited Betson West Distributing, a Coin-Op machine distributor in Buena Park, CA. Namco Representative Emilio Cabrera was kind enough to be there to showcase and let the general public testplay the latest prototype version of the highly anticipated Tekken 5 Arcade Machine. We got the chance to speak with both Mr. Cabrera and Betson West Sales Representative Bill Watson on what was new in this version and when to expect these cabinets to begin hitting the local arcades.
The first thing that Mr. Cabrera showed off to us was the Card System. As mentioned in our previous article, the card system allows for customization to your characters--add colors, glasses, tattoos, etc. Of course, the customization is purely cosmetic and will not affect gameplay in any way. Mr. Cabrera explained that once you pop your game card in and we see your character on the screen, everybody is going to know that it's your character because it is unique. In this version, we saw that when you stuck a game card into the game slot during the character select screen, a new window would pop up asking you whether you wanted to use this card or not. Selecting "Yes" would open another game menu inside this pop up window that allows you to edit your settings and spend the "Tekken Money" you earned from winning matches. Each game card will still only carry data for one character. The reasoning behind this was because most players usually only play with 1 or 2 characters. Why not improve this situation by letting players customize their favorite characters? When asked about how much the game cards will be, Mr. Cabrera said that they will be $5 USD each, the same estimated pricing Namco Representative Jason Arney had mentioned during the Evo2k4 playtest.
The version they had up for this playtest was a 70% complete build, whereas the Evo2k4 playtest version was only a 50% complete build. There are a number of noticable differences in this version compared to the last. First of which is another graphical upgrade. The character skins are more detailed--you can now see the muscle tone on some of the better-built characters. New and revamped stages are included in this version as well. You can now see a ghost ship in the background of the "treasure chest stage," and there is the new "penguin stage" that was seen in the Tekken 5 E3 Trailer where the bear Kuma was dancing backwards at the ending. Last but not least, there were a considerable amount of new moves added to characters in this version of the game.
Here is a small list of some news and observations from the playtest courtesy of MarkMan:
- From speaking with the Namco rep, he was hinting towards a first or second week of October for the Tekken 5 release.
- Overall the game still feels close if not unchanged from it was at EVO. The gameplay was fine and matches went by at a good pace.
- d/f+2 only launches if they are standing.
- RFS d+4 hits grounded.
- d/f+2, 2,4,2, f+3, u/f+3,4,3 is the shit.
- cd+1 is not safe. But is still damn good. The damage on the move alone adds up to great damage in combos. Some of the notable juggles from today were:
cd+1, b,f+2,1, b,f+2,1,2
cd+1, b,f+2,1, 1,3~3, d+4
- After NJS 4 hits you can juggle after. Example, NJS 4, cd ws 4, f,f+2.
- b+1 is similar to b+2. Hits high, forces enemy to crouch on block. Slow though.
- u/f+3 is a great low crush move that did decent damage on CH and also on grounded opponents.
- d/b+3 on hit is really good. ws 1 would beat out anything my opponent would do. On CH the hit effect is that of Marduk's FC d/f+4.
- New juggles I came up with...
u/f+4, 2,1, f+2,2,2(this wasn't possible at EVO)
u/f+4, f+2,2, 1, 1+3_2+4
u/f+4, 1, f+2,2, 1, F+2+4
- d+4~D leads into SNK stance. Not that good from what I tested. Any options afterwards(attacks and stance changing) was easily interrupted, even if the d+4 hit.
- Big roundhouse kick seen in some Korean vids is f,f+4. It has an extension which is a sideways flip which is seen in one of the T-O screen shots against King. The whole move is f,f+4,3+4. On CH f,f+4 would turn the opponent sideways.
- Lee was severely toned down from the EVO build. As mentioned by others, move properties have changed.
- From low parry, acid storm seemed gauranteed.
- As mentioned u/f+3+4 hits lower to the ground and is mid.
- Her new strings look really nice. Mixups from her 3_4~U_D rolls into ss moves were a great addition.
- ss+2 animation has changed and now has slightly less range. Completely safe still though.
- f,f+1 is a launcher that launches similar to TTT Kazuya CH wgf.
- Hella damage on juggles.
- f,f+1+2 throw as mentioned does not yield gauranteed d/f+3.
- the active window for when a tackle actually goes into the tackle animation is longer than in T4. It leaves more room for opponents to hit Marduk out of the tackle.
As MarkMan had mentioned, according to the Namco and Betson West Distributing Reps, the Tekken 5 Arcade Machine will begin distribution either the first or second week of October. Most arcade operators that have placed an order for it should recieve their machine by the end of October if they haven't received it by then. Again, as mentioned in our previous article, there is no regional distribution for these. These machines will go to whoever buys them first. It may be a good idea to start bugging your local arcade operators if you want a Tekken 5 Arcade Machine at their location. The Tekken 5 Arcade Machine is currently going for approx $6,700 USD. This includes the board and the cabinet. Presently, Namco wishes to distribute these together as the card system is a central part to the arcade machine and the game itself.
The final build will include PlayStation 2 ports on the cabinet for players to plug in their PlayStation 2 controllers. This will allow players who find themselves more comfortable playing on a gamepad than on the available arcade sticks to still be able to enjoy the new game. I asked how they would compensate for players who would like to bring their own joysticks as I noticed there wasn't much space to place one down on unless it was on top of the arcade buttons themselves. Mr. Cabrera wasn't aware of this concern but was glad that I brought it up and said he will try what he can do to put in a consideration for a redesigned base.
The Tekken 5 Nationals Tournament is hinted to begin in late January 2005. A game card will be required in order to participate in this, and other future Namco sponsored Tekken 5 events. Winners will be able to earn custom titles for their game cards among other the prizes.
The last thing that Mr. Cabrera mentioned to us was of a brand new website, http://www.tekken.vg. It will be the official place for the "Dogou System," where players can register themselves at a Tekken 5 arcade location and find out about other players in their particular area. This will make it easier for players to stay in contact with each other and be notified of any upcoming events or tournaments.
We would like to once again thank Emilio Cabrera of Namco America Inc., Bill Watson of Betson West Distributing and the rest of his staff for giving us this opportunity and allowing us to come by to check it out. Tekken 5 is already looking awesome, and this one was only a 70% complete build! Can't wait for when the fully complete version hits arcades this October.


还没人翻译么, 真成了3天热度了…




SS is pretty much the same as TTT actually backdash is pretty much the same as TTT as well. But dash is much quicker. d1 parry seems like t4 version from my experience. Steve is noway near broken period. He has one good move d1. In korea after 4 days of test most people agreed on Raven being the hardest to face against. Yeah Raven got the most wins too (by 1 person) Even MDJ who had like 100+ wins 3rd day test (almost won every match he played) thought hwoarang was the best but the next day the guy who beat everyone in day 1 came and actually beaten MDJ almost every time they played with Raven. And some of the matches were one sided(perfect). Ends in seconds. RAVEN IS LIKE MISHIMA WITH SUPER POWERS lol. Nah but the system is quite good to prevent broken characters to win every game. MDJ didn't only lose against raven but he did quite well overall. Actually every character seems pretty well made except for Yoshi. Yoshi sux bad bad bad no damaging anything. I did record quite a lot of vids but they will be capped next week soon. PS. MDJ is crazy played like 3 days straight with almost no sleep lol.




SS 和 TT差不多

下裁 和 T4差不多

Raven 暴强,让人难以面对

MDJ 连续作战3天, 研究HWOA, 第一天基本没输, 大家都以为HWOA这下在T5很强了,结果第2天,一群人用Raven 狂下他牌子, 很多局都是perfect…………



HWO的d/f+2, 2,4,2, f+3, u/f+3,4,3


cd+1, b,f+2,1, b,f+2,1,2 cd+1, b,f+2,1, 1,3~3, d+4




如果说命运超越人类智慧而玩弄人就是道理的话,          那么人变为魔而跟命运对峙就是因果!



1. u/f+4, DF = 60%

2. U/F,n,4, DF = 70%

3. d/f+2, DF = 50%

4. QCF+1, DF = 52%

PAUL 也是暴血, 大家都一样,除了yoshi, 可怜


MDJ's hwoarang sucks, i don't mean his skill "sucks", i am talking about his crappy T4 hwoarang style....

no 3xSS, no crazy dance. just turtle, then lanunch, then finish


aka SS


...... 主要crazy dance这东西在T4实在没什么用, MDJ用地算多地了, 其实就是在TT, 也就jung用... 什么stephown,axehwoa,nonbu都不怎么用....



crazy dance是什么啊,望赐教,感谢。


f,d,df   SS    f+3+4, f    b+3+4,b   综合在一起就是


2004年九月23日星期四我们去了BUENA PARK的投币游戏游戏机分销商在BETSON WEST 的发布会,南梦宫的销售代表 EMILIO CABRERA 在那展示并且提供TEKKEN5街机筐体的公开试玩。我们有幸分别和EMILIO和BETSON WEST的销售代表谈论了这个版本新加进的元素以及何时能在当地见到T5的正式版。EMILIO 首先给我们展示的是卡片系统,就像我们在以前的文章当中提到的,卡片系统允许你个性化你的角色,例如添加新颜色,为角色戴上眼镜,刺上纹身或者其他的什么。当然这些角色的个性化系统完全就是装饰,他不会影响角色在游戏中的实际性能。EMILIO 说,当你把你的卡片插入到系统当中时,屏幕上就会显示你的角色。所有人都会知道那是你的角色因为它是唯一的。在这个版本中,当你在选择人物画面时插入卡片,这是就会弹出一个新的窗口并且让你选择是否要用你所插进去的卡片上的信息。选择“是”,这时会在这个弹出的窗口中打开一个新的游戏菜单以供你选择和编辑你的设定,并且花掉你比赛赢来的“TEKKEN MONEY”来购置道具。一张卡只能装载一个游戏人物的信息这样做是因为大部分的玩家只用1-2个人物来作为自己的主力。为什么不把它进化为可以让玩家自由选择自己喜欢的人物的那种形态呢? 当我们问EMILIO一张卡要多少钱的时候, 他说 就像南梦宫的代表JASON在EVO2K4上提到过的,五美元一张。这会提供给大家进行公开测试的是开发度为70%的版本, EVO2K4那个是50%的。 这个版本和上个版本有数个值得注意的不同之处。第一个就试图像升级了,人物建模的表面皮肤更加细致了,在一些完成度较高的角色身上,你甚至可以看到肌肉的纹理,感觉。这个版本还包括了新的和修补过的场景,你可以看见“宝藏”那个背景中的幽灵船。还有一个新的场景,就是在E3的演示动画的最后KUMA跳舞的那个地方,我们现在叫它做企鹅场景。最后是NAMCO在这个版本中为角色们缴入了大量的新动作和新技巧。实际上应该不止这些,我们期待NAMCO会有更多的惊喜给我们。






以下是引用yanshen在2004-9-28 10:03:04的发言:

...... 主要crazy dance这东西在T4实在没什么用, MDJ用地算多地了, 其实就是在TT, 也就jung用... 什么stephown,axehwoa,nonbu都不怎么用....

no really, AxeHwoarang, and StepHwoarang use them too, if you have watched AxeHworang vs. StepHworang series video. but they are just class2 korean player, not like the lengend players' level btw, Jang Gijae came back from army like 1 or 2 monthes ago? and he atteneded a TTT tournament, using Hwoarang/Bruce, he is no good anymore....got owned... :~~~~(
aka SS


以下是引用DashEWGF在2004-9-29 3:18:02的发言: and he atteneded a TTT tournament, using Hwoarang/Bruce, he is no good anymore....got owned... :~~~~(
OH...........I'm so sad about this news.....maybe he need more time to recover . It was said that he had the best HWOA and bruce in the past , I havn't seen he playing bruce....

